
If you’d like to book a class or event, the best way is to use Studio Bookings.
(If it’s your first time you’ll need to register. It only takes a couple of minutes and gives you access to the full calendar and booking system.)

If you have any other questions about Embrace Yoga, please get in touch using the form below, or give me a call on 07778 065 659.

I need to keep your name and email address so I can organise the classes and let you know about your bookings and any changes to the programme. I may also email you occasionally about special yoga events and courses outside the regular classes (you can unsubscribe from these emails if you don’t want to receive them). I never share your data with anyone else and only keep the bare minimum I need to keep things running.

I do have some of my regular yogis’ email addresses on my personal computer because they are friends as well as customers and that’s one of the ways we stay in touch. All other data is stored with Studio Bookings (to manage the classes) or Mailchimp (to send emails about special events). They have their own much more detailed privacy policies if you want to check them out:
Studio Bookings Privacy Policy
Mailchimp Privacy Policy